
Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2024

Ospovat 1981

OSPOVAT 1 DARWIN AND THE BIOLOGY OF THE 1830S ·        The rejection of teleological explanation by Darwin’s contemporaries provides the best perspective from which to examine one of the central elements in Darwin’s transmutationist thought- his concepto f adaptation. [...] But, like most of those who abandoned the teleological approach, Darwin for some time continued to bElieve in the Harmony of nature and in the perfection of adaptation. 6 The decline of teleological explanation ·          Cuvier defensores da adaptação perfeita e de seu uso como explicação finalista para as partes do corpo enquanto as melhores para performar suas funções. Consonava com a teologia natural. ·          Os opositores da teleologia não negavam a perfeição das adaptações: The teleogists held that the perfection of organisms was due to their having been especially adapted for particular conditions of existence. They believed, therefore, that perfect adaptation implied a very close, in a sense causa