
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2021

Khronos 11 - Pereira; Valverde & Campos.

Pereira, B. S. (2021). Um Papel para a ciência : A Revolução Científica nos livros didáticos de História.  Khronos , (11), 55-72. [OA] Não se pretende debater a importância que história pode ter para o ensino de ciências, mas a forma como a ciência é tratada no ensino de história, um caminho pouco usual na literatura acadêmica 57 O tema “revolução científica” consta em nove dos dez livros analisados [...] Contudo, importante destacar que o termo “revolução cientí-fica” não aparece em todos os materiais, constando em apenas três coleções. Nas de-mais, as referências podem aparecer como transformações cientificas, renascimento ci-entífico, entre outros. No entanto, como se verá mais adiante, a mudança de nomencla-tura não implica uma mudança na forma de tratar o tema. Em oito livros o tema consta como assunto do primeiro ano do ensino médio, enquanto no que foge à regra ele é objeto do segundo ano15. Em todos eles a revolução científica e

SHPS A - 88 2021, Sciortino; Hesketh;

 Luca Sciortino, The emergence of objectivity: Fleck, Foucault, Kuhn and Hacking, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, Volume 88, 2021, Pages 128-137, ISSN 0039-3681, Fleck: 1935. Thought style. um mod de pensar de uma comunidade de produção de conhecimento. Rejeitaa a história fora do tempo dos positivistas lógicos (se aproxima de Bachelard e Canguillhem na escola da epistemologia histórica (estudo histórico do conhecimento [ver nota 1])). Kuhn: 1962. Paradigma como uma estrutura com exemplars, suposições ontológicas e valores Foucault: 1966. Episteme. Enfatiza as estruturas comuns às práticas históricas do período. Hacking 2002. Scientific styles of reaseoning (baseado em Crombie). Cada estilo envovle novos tipós de onjetos, parões de evidência, leis e frase verdadeiras ou falsas, além de ser auto-autenticador. Não só modos de pensar, mas de fazer. Metaepistemologia histórica, estudo histórico-ontológico da organização dos

TS - Jia Ye (2021)

A history from below: Translators in the publication network of four magazines issued by the China Book Company, 1913–1923  Michelle Jia Ye, Translation Studies Revistas chinesas do in´cio da década de 20. The inclusion of translation most likely took its cue from the good reception of translated fiction in China circa 1900, which owed much to the fast-selling Chinese translation of La Dame aux Camélias published in 1895 (Xie and Zha 2003, 56–60; Meng and Li 2005, 50–55). That translating was a legitimate form of writing and a promising route to publication was implied in the calls to readers and contributors. The calls were also proof of the publishers’ confidence in receiving voluntarily submitted translations, suggesting translation was something familiar to, and even practiced by, the literate public. 2 Editores também traduziam. In historical studies, history from below has been carried out to offer “an alternativ

Synthese 198 Moreno

  Fernández Moreno, L. Reflection on natural kinds. Introduction to the special issue on natural kinds: language, science, and metaphysics.  Synthese   198,  2853–2862 (2021). [OA]  In philosophy of language it is highly debated what the meaning of natural kind terms is, how their reference is determined, as well as whether there are differences and similarities between the semantics of natural kind terms and that of other sorts of kind terms. In philosophy of science, natural kinds are relevant because they are the basis for scientific classifications and play an explanatory role in scientific theories; thus one aim of science is to discover natural kinds and theorize about them. Natural kinds are also relevant in metaphysics, where many questions involving natural kinds are debated and especially those concerning the sort of entities we refer to when using natural kind terms, i.e., the ontological status of natural kinds; in this regard ther

HPLS 43 Jímenez-Pazos; Winsor; Witteveen.

Jiménez-Pazos, B. Darwin’s perception of nature and the question of disenchantment: a semantic analysis across the six editions of  On the Origin of Species .  HPLS   43,  57 (2021). [OA] Suplemento The ideas just described then point to a contradiction that allows the formulation of questions that will mark the argumentative development of this article. If Darwinian science,—whether it is an over-dedication to scientifc study, or perhaps the internalization of a supposedly pessimistically disenchanting message found in OS—, is the cause, according to Darwin, of the atrophy of the part of his brain dedicated to artistic appreciation, and also of the inability to experience feelings of aesthetic exaltation in nature, why does Darwin end OS, one of the most outstanding works in the history of science that would have contributed to disenchantment, with a message that indicates intellectual and aesthetic fascination? Is disenchantment compatible w

EJPS 11 Artiga; Shaw; Reydon

  Artiga, M. Biological functions and natural selection: a reappraisal.  Euro Jnl Phil Sci   11,  54 (2021). 2-4 Funções biológicas cumprem o papel de explicação  e de normatividade . Aborda a Selected-effects etiological theory "according to which the notion of a function can be analyzed in terms of selection for", geralmente com respeito a seleção por SN. A partir de T1 e T2 chega a T3, que discutirá: T1 A trait T has the function F iff T has been selected for F. T has been selected for F iff F was an effect of T and the following conditions hold: heredity; variation; differential reproduction; causation T has the function F iff F was an effect of T and the [same] conditions hold 6 Nem todas as condições precisam ser plenamente atendidas. Atender todas totalmente faz um caso "paradigmático". Functions possess two puzzling features, EXPLANATION and NORMATIVITY. Since, according to T3, functions are effects that comply with