
Mostrando postagens de março, 2024

SELOSSE 2005; 2006; 2008; 2012

  Selosse 2005 Epistéme vem mesmo do Foucault, mas é usado com outro sentido: I mean by épistémè the configuration of knowledge peculiar to a specific period; reconstituting an épistémè involves taking into consideration anything which defines and influences a same way of knowing: the Establishment, religions, philosophies, folk and scientific mentalities. Consequently, the concept of épistémè is not coextensive with the way of knowing of a discourse community (Valle 1999) or of a scientific community (Kuhn 1996); it has a wider sense, including the way of knowing of everyone, whatever he is: botanist, woodcutter, doctor, peasant, philosopher, cook, priest, etc. In short, the epistemic approach works on the assumption that, on the one hand, everyone sees their frame of knowledge determined by the épistémè of the period to which they belong; on the other hand, the understanding of a scholar’s work needs to take account not only of the contemporaneous way of knowing which determines the