
Mostrando postagens de março, 2021

Krein-Kühle (2003); Wierzbicka (2004); Dines (2008); Beullens (2008); van Oppenraay (1999); Kruk (1999);

 Krein-Kühle (2003) For the purpose of this thesis, a translation is defined as the interlingual transposition of a source text into a target text based on the invariance requirement of ST sense/intended sense or 'das Gemeinte' (2.2.1) and involving an interpretation of the ST against the background of factual knowledge (e.g., domain knowledge, encyclopaedic/world knowledge, etc.) underlying the ST. Since scientific and technical STs may be defective (Schmitt 198Th; Horn-Hell 1999), scientific and technical translation may therefore be understood as to include corrections, e.g., to remedy ST flictual inaccuracies, or well-motivated minor revisions, omissions or additions (such as a translator's footnote), but to exclude any revisions, omissions or additions that go beyond the level of sense/intended sense or 'Gemeinte'. It is the sense/intended sense or 'Gemeinte' that is common to both ST and TT and has to be replicated and kept invariant in translation and

Berlin (1973, 1992); Ludwig (2018)

  Berlin (1973) Folk systematics: 259  Classificação: Estuda os princípios pelos quais as classes de organismos são organizados por outras culturas; Nomenclatura: Descreve os princípios linguísticos dos nomes das classes de organismos; Identificação: Estudo das características físicas utilizadas para classificar os organismos; Geralmente segue o princípio de semelhanças e diferenças, mais raramente o critério de funcionalidade; 260 A correspondência entre as classificações populares e científica é um argumento em favor da "realidade das espécies". 260. Entretanto isso não é um consenso 267 (ver Berlin et al 1966) Taxa utilizados em folk systematics (taxa ocorrentes em uma mesma categoria são sempre mutuamente excludentes): Unique beginner: Taxon que une todos os outros taxa, ex: living beings ; Life form: Classificação mais ampla, ex: birds, trees. É comum que ocorra polisemia entre o nome dado ao taxon de life form e o taxon generico mais expressivo do grupo. Planta por exem

Eco (2003)

  [Nota: os itálicos são perdidos quando transfiro o texto para cá] INTRO I think that in addition to having made an intensive study of translations, of course, translation scholars should have had at least one of the following experiences during their life: translating, checking and editing translations, or being translated and working in close co-operation with their translators. Irrespective of the fact that some philosophers or linguists have said that there are no rules for deciding whether one translation is better than another one, the everyday activity in a publishing house tells us that, at least in cases of blatant misunderstanding, it is easy to establish that a translation is wrong and deserves severe editing. [Isso é mais fácil de perceber em trads. propriamente ditas do que em trads. intersemióticas]. I dare to say (and I hope not to trouble some simple soul) that in order to define translation proper one must even take into account economic criteria. When I buy or look f