
Mostrando postagens de julho, 2024

McKenzie ([1986] 2004)

Mckenzie 2004 Preface no one book would ever contain all the evidence needed to explain how it must have been produced 3 For a book is never simply a remarkable object. Like every other technology it is invariably the product of human agency in complex and highly volatile contexts which a responsible scholarship must seek to recover if we are to understand better the creation and communication of meaning as the defining characteristic of human societies. [...] For ultimately what gives the highest significance to the history of all such forms and their making is their far from silent witness to a wealth of human experience  whose recovery is the principal end of our scholarship. As to print, its study might be called histoire du livre , or the sociology of texts, or even (since books have been traditionally its source and substance) bibliography. 4-5 Sociologia e filosofia da produção do livro. 1 The Book as an expressive form Bowers: bibliografia descritiva; analitica, textual e histó

Chartier (2014)

  Chartier 2014 Preface Less spectacular, but perhaps more essential for our purposes, was the emergence, during the eighteenth century but with local variation, of an order of discourse founded on the individualization of writing, the originality of the literary work, and what Paul Bénichou has called le sacre de l’écrivain (the consecration of the writer). The connection between those three notions, which was decisive for the definition of literary property, reached its apex at the end of the eighteenth century with the fetishization of the autograph manuscript and an obsession with the author’s handwriting as a guarantee of the authenticity and the unity of a work dispersed in a number of publications. That new economy of the written word broke with an older order based on quite different practices: frequent collaboration between authors, reuse of content that had been used previously, familiar commonplaces, and traditional formulas, along with continual revision and continuation of

Beer 1990; Beer 2009

 TRANSLATION OR TRANSFORMATION? 1990 Visão negativa de trad I shall emphasize interchange rather than origins and transformation rather than translation . Scientific and literary discourses overlap , but unstably . Victorian writers , scientific and literary , held to the ideal of the ‘mother - tongue ’ ; in our own time the variety of professional and personal dialects is emphasised instead . Yet the expectation lingers that it should be possible to translate stably from one to another . This expectation may prove unrealistic. 81 we never can quite securely translate from one professional or social group to another the intensity, or vacuity, of terms. 83 Literature cannot, even if it would, take on the task of technical translator when scientists find themselves from time to time in the dilemma that their scrupulousness has sustained agreed meaning but rendered their knowledge and purpose inscrutable to others beyond the trained circle. 89 Várias leituras: "in language, we inhabi

Regattin & Allamán 2015

  Conclusioni Tradução de Moulinié e Barbier foi uma antitese de Royer. 340 Hoquet Thierry Hoquet (2013), metta la traduzione e il tradurre al centro della propria riflessione, con tutti gli apparati che precedon l'opera di Darwin interamente dedicati a questi aspetti, tanto dal punto divista storico quqnto da quello pratico e proceduarel. L'ottica non é nemmeno in questo caso quella della critica negativa, intesa come allusione alle mancanze delle versioni precedenti; siamo di fronte piuttosto a una storia delle traduzioni e delle edizioni, che mette in avanti le ragionistoriche e sociali delle diverse versioni francesi del testo di Darwin, in parziale sintonia con la versione del 1992. 341 Na espanha a voz do tradutor é quase inexistente. Só frouffe comenta outras. 342 Espanha ainda Le principali differenze testuali tra le diverse versioni riguardano essenzialmente la tipografia, la sintytassi e il lessico, che vengono modificati in particolare nei passagi piú descrittiiv. I