
DARWINISMO/DESCENT - Young 1985, Radick 2009, Cohen 2010, Sober 2011, Veuille 2010/2015, Delisle 2017, Brooks 2021, Ruse 2024, Sober 2024, Ariew 2024, Veuille 2024, Ceccarelli, Esposito e Delisle 2024, Esposito 2024/B, Ceccarelli 2024/B, La Vergata 2024, Delisle 2024, Caso 2024

YOUNG 1985 Anyone wishing to take Darwin's mature views outside the context of natural theology has a lot of explaining to do, from the frontispiece quotations to many of the forms of reasoning and rhetoric in the Origin. Darwin was meticulous in his revision, as is obvious from Peckham's variorum edition (Origin 1959). Why would Darwin fail to remove forms of address and reasoning if they had become odious to him? 615 In a related set of distinctions, Greta Jones (1980) has also set about separating the scientist Darwin from the ideologue, and both of those from Social Darwinism. As I see it, both Huxley and Darwin were expressing commonly held positions that were relatively progressive for their time, but relatively shocking to our eyes. I'm thinking, for example, of what Huxley had to say about blacks and women. I jhall quote this, as well as passages from Darwin, in some detail, in the hope that these striking examples will destroy onceand for all the notion thatit'